“When you're operating on the maker's schedule, meetings are a disaster. A single meeting can blow a whole afternoon, by breaking it into two pieces each too small to do anything hard in…
But in addition, there's sometimes a cascading effect. If I know the afternoon is going to be broken up, I'm slightly less likely to start something ambitious in the morning.”
I used to have 3 - 5 meetings each day, then I’d find myself up all night long working on the projects that didn’t get completed that day. It was the reason I couldn’t sleep at night and why I eventually just felt like quitting all together.
After reading the Maker’s Schedule article, I immediately changed my calendar to only allow meetings in the evening, near the end of my work days. That means that from the time I wake up, I’m free to be creative until 4 or 5pm each day.
Having those 6 - 8 hour blocks of uninterrupted productivity has been a game changer. It’s not a perfect practice yet, but just following this for 2 days a week will move your business forward in the right direction.
I’m sure your next question is How do you find the time when there’s already so much to do in a day? I’m going to cover that next.